I am still here

armpit deep in alligators as usual. Busted a chunk out of a filling on Tuesday so I got a nice icy sensation every time I open my mouth. Then went on to load salt into a friend’s water softener and did something really ugly to my right bicep, bad enough that it’s still black and blue. Fell off a ladder but at least it was on to a pile of busted up wood. Then the wife fell and broke her arm. Kids are coming out this weekend with the grandkids and nobody bothered to plan for extra sleeping arrangements so I guess I’ll take care of that too. No rest for the wicked I guess

I do have to say

the blog roll needs some pruning. Some alas, like Ellison, are no longer with us. Some of the never trumpers, out there crowing now about how horrible this is have got to go. Instead of a whole list I suspect that there will be less than a dozen by the time I’m done.

slowly I turned

step by step I will get back to posting here more regularly work has been crazy and home as well but this seems to be working better the spam filters seem to be working better and people are showing up which is good. And I promise more soon!

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