Why you do things for people
I have had people ask me over and over again, why I put myself out for people. In re, specifically, the kind of stuff Kim talks about here. I have gotten cars for a few people, usually free or cheap, or if they cost anying, they are really prime vehicles. I never take any money, and often put a couple bucks in the car to make sure it’s safe to drive. Why?
Because most people have times when they need a leg up. Some of the best of us fall on hard times. I’ve been there, and so have a lot of you.
The reason you do this sort of thing is to balance the debt of karma for the people that helped you in your time of need- or will help you in the future. You do it because, if you are a Christian, you realise that you are your brother’s keeper. You do it because helping people is something that ought to be second nature, and you shouldn’t think about it. At all.
I tend to deal with people in business and my personal life the same way:Customers get the best customer service i can provide. Friends get the most gracious treatment I can afford. The House of Og may be a damp, cold spot carved out of a cliffside, but to the extent that is possible, I make my friends feel at home. And when I see someone in need of help, I don’t wait around for the government to fix something for them, because the gummint always gets it wrong.
Look around, folks. The world is full of people you can help without hardly lifting a finger yourself. Do so.
You, good sir, are the very epitome of the Golden Rule.
My one wish, were I to stumble upon that genie in the lamp, would be to reproduce you millionfold, for the world would certainly be a better place.
Smellier, to be certain, but better nonetheless…
hehe! Smellier indeed.
You are a good person
With you all the way. However,like most, not with out some major ills my self.
Keep it up, I now I do.
Be nice for the comic good karma. I read Kim’s post about his adventures yesterday and I’m still smiling.
Have you noticed people being really, really thankful for very small favors recently? I have, and I think people are getting meaner and more self absorbed.
Thanks for being nice.
You be good people, Og.
Eloquently stated, Og.
When I teach classes, the first section is always about safety (GM mandated pretty much, and not a bad idea, to boot).
I always use that line about watching out for your fellow man (person for you PC’ers). Basically, I tell them you are indeed your brother’s keeper.
I’m kind of surprised no one has bitched about the religious undertone (overtone?), but maybe it’s just because it’s true.
Curiously, I have heard some reports of people bitching about my political views. Go figure, eh?
Thanks for a post that brightened my day, and made me feel small at the same time.