In a comment to this old post

A commenter calling himself “Dave” left the following missive:

I think you’re missing that most people advocate certain socialist policies out of a desire to help others not out of a desire to be helped by others. That’s not social immaturity, that’s empathy.

Now before I avail myself of the opportunity to fisk this piece of chromium plated idiocy, let’s all welcome Dave to Fucktard Friday, as the new poster boy for Fucktard Friday.

Hi dave!!

OK. First of all, Dave, people advocate certain socialist policies out of a desire to help others, using MY MONEY. No matter if those others they seek to help are deserving of my help, or wouldn’t be better helped in some other manner, the bozons who advocate socialist policies are predominantly first-water morons who have no concept of the fact that all socialist policies fail.

As for me “missing” something, the only thing I’m “Missing” is the cash that liberals threw at people like you, who have made it through the socialist indoctrination camps public schools without the slightest idea what happens in the real world.

And now, to the “Empathy” bit. Because I know what ’empathy’ actually means, unlike you, Dave, I see the ways that people can be helped to rise above their situations and move on, rather than becoming slaves of a socialist public welfare system that allows them to exist solely to support a socialist ruling class who believes itself above the law, and above them. And I help those people, when I can- as does everyone I know. Please check for yourself, and come back when you realize that EVERY meaningful civil rights fight and every meaningful reform that has worked has been emplaced by conservatives, and we’ll discuss removing you from the Fucktard Friday poster. Until then, have a nice life!!