The hits just keep on coming!
In a comment to this old post
A commenter calling himself “Dave” left the following missive:
I think you’re missing that most people advocate certain socialist policies out of a desire to help others not out of a desire to be helped by others. That’s not social immaturity, that’s empathy.
Now before I avail myself of the opportunity to fisk this piece of chromium plated idiocy, let’s all welcome Dave to Fucktard Friday, as the new poster boy for Fucktard Friday.
Hi dave!!
OK. First of all, Dave, people advocate certain socialist policies out of a desire to help others, using MY MONEY. No matter if those others they seek to help are deserving of my help, or wouldn’t be better helped in some other manner, the bozons who advocate socialist policies are predominantly first-water morons who have no concept of the fact that all socialist policies fail.
As for me “missing” something, the only thing I’m “Missing” is the cash that liberals threw at people like you, who have made it through the socialist indoctrination camps public schools without the slightest idea what happens in the real world.
And now, to the “Empathy” bit. Because I know what ’empathy’ actually means, unlike you, Dave, I see the ways that people can be helped to rise above their situations and move on, rather than becoming slaves of a socialist public welfare system that allows them to exist solely to support a socialist ruling class who believes itself above the law, and above them. And I help those people, when I can- as does everyone I know. Please check for yourself, and come back when you realize that EVERY meaningful civil rights fight and every meaningful reform that has worked has been emplaced by conservatives, and we’ll discuss removing you from the Fucktard Friday poster. Until then, have a nice life!!
11 comments Og | Uncategorized
Fuckin’ commie bastards. I thought all of you assholes had a fire sale and went out of business.
“OK. First of all, Dave, people advocate certain socialist policies out of a desire to help others, using MY MONEY.”
I didn’t say anything about whether or not this was right or wrong or whether you deserve your money or not. I simply disagree with the fact that socialist ideas equal social immaturity. I don’t think that wanting to help others is socially immature.
“the only thing I’m “Missing†is the cash that liberals threw at people like you”
This is a straw man argument, you don’t know me. In fact I’ve spent FAR more money paying for my own education than most people do. I’ll likely continue paying for that education until I retire. I just realize that there are people out there that need and deserve some of my money more than I do (Like refugees of the recent Chinese earthquake for example).
“all socialist policies fail”
Norway is a great example of a country where socialist policies have created an environment that is safe healthy and fair for everyone. There are plenty of other success stories out there.
man, this is gonna be fun. Dave, I hope you stick around to have your ass handed to you, and don’t run away like all the other liberal pussies.
“Norway is a great example of a country where socialist policies have created an environment that is safe healthy and fair for everyone. There are plenty of other success stories out there.”
Give me a fucking break, would ya? Their tax rate is above 50%.
You want to play that Lord of the Flies bullshit, tear your ass from this country, go find a nice little Arctic island, and have the fuck at it. Enjoy life.
Just leave me and my checking account out of it, m’kay?
Oh man, Og. I gotta answer this. After the day I’ve had dealing empathetically with the grown-up, roosting chickens of our Great Society and War on Poverty, I gotta slap poor Dave back into reality.
I won’t take up your blog comments to do it though. This is a whole post.
And here I thought I’d just sleep all weekend…
Joan, I welcome your post and know it will be of such insight I plan to print it and hang it in my office.
The deed is done.
People who advocate socialist ideas out of a genuine desire to help others are still moral lackwits. Enslaving one man to the the service of another is never morally justifiable. And that’s what socialism does — it enslaves the productive to the service of the unproductive.
But those people ARE fools, and no more dangerous than any random event. The real dangerous people are the hard-eyed revolutionaries, with the strong vision and the clear understanding of reality. They are not in it to help people. They’re in it for power — their own. And they will use the convenient fools as cannon fodder to get what they want.
Those people are evil.
Nothing ever good ever came of socialism. Period. You can point to any number of experiments at any stage of development and claim success, but the bottom line is there are two types of socialist systems — the ones that have failed and realize it, and the ones that have failed and don’t. There is no third way..
It all comes acropper on a fundamental ignorance — willful or not is irrelevant — of human nature.
Socialist ideology engages in wishful thinking in believing that people will not act in their own self-interest in response to incentives and stimuli. It is a brainfart pipedream that hopes that human nature can be changed if only the ideology is explained in the right words.
In truth, it has nothing to recommend it, save the gleam of fool’s gold.
it enslaves the productive to the service of the unproductive
That’s succinct and perfect.
Mark, thanks for your thoughts on this, as well. Your blog is excellent and I’m glad to have found it here!
Thanks, Joan. Please feel free to pipe up at BTB.
Basically Dave is a fascist left-wing asshole. No need to respond, but always fun to do. And you guys have done so well, I’m just going to sit back and applaud.