Quite a few of them, actually, and they are all basically decent people. We are all misguided about one thing or another, and I am certainly no exception.

On this I am clear, though: the clear statist and socialist agenda of American liberals, including their butt-buddies the press, is bad for this country in every conceivable way. There may have been a time when the democrat party was the party of joe sixpack, but it is now populated exclusively by power hungry elitists.

Broad, god love her, sends a mail entitled “Don’t hate the messenger” which tells a tale of Palin as a product of “White privelege”. It isn’t worth reproducing here, because it’s just a statist piece of filth, full of out of context quotes, miscaracterization, and outright lies. I won’t bother to fisk it because it is not worth my time, and frankly beneath me, but if anyone wants a good giggle let me know and I’ll pass it along.

This does not make Broad a bad person. And it certainly doesn’t change the way I feel about her. But it is clearly the result of a staunch adherence to the increasingly desperate desire of the Democrat party to hold onto power in the face of their abject failure to govern effectively. The current congress, with the lowest approval rating in history, has caused the country more trouble than any individial in history. The current financial crises can be traced back entirely to the congress, as well as $4 + gasoline, illegal immigration issues, 9/11, (Jamie Gorelick, your hubris is on line 1) etc etc etc.

Look, Obama is running against Mc Cain. Democrats are terrified of Palin becuase she’s popular so they’re making up all kinds of bullshit about her to try to steal her popularity from her. I don’t think it’s going to work, and here’s why: All the reasons Dems give why we should hate her, are reasons we love her and we’re happy she’s there. Even if they’re lies. At this point, I believe she coul;d throttle her mother to death on network TV and still be the cream of the crop, because she would still be more qualified to operate at an executive level than Joe Biden, let alone Barack Hussein Obama, who she is NOT RUNNING AGAINST.

I sort of understand the mindset of the Democrat. It’s mostly about feelings; and lord knows, everyone wants to feel good. I feel best when my country’s future is secure, and the freedom of it’s peoples is secure. That future, that freedom, is best embodied by conservatism (Classical conservatism, not McCain conservatism, which I loathe) and is most in danger from modern liberalism. I’m willing to deal with a little danger and inconvenience for freedom, and everyone should be.

I fear I don’t have the patience anymore to deal with liberal bullshit. When I get pieces of manufactured glurge designed to denegrate the character of decent people, I should patiently explain how and why it’s wrong, but more and more my explanations fall on deaf ears. So I do what I have left: I work to effect change (Real change, not hopeychangey Obamessiah change) by helping to improve the lives of people around me in the ways I can, and I pray for the misguided that they might someday see how flawed is the vision of the world they have. My liberal friends are dearest to me, in many ways, because just surrounding yourself with people with whom you agree leaves you half empty. I daily hold my beliefs up against those whose conflict with mine, and I have not yet found mine wanting.


Damn, I just did a two second google search and found this piece, which made me lol. It sure did.

Damn, Van Helsing, welcome to the blogroll!!