California bans big-screen televisions.
They’re bad for the environment, don’t you know.
it’s time, people. We need to chainsaw that motherfucker off at Nevada, and push it adrift in the Pacific. Might just as well take oregon with it, dumb fuckers. Country had 48 states when I was born, that’s good enough.
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Kelly and I bought a 46″ plasma awhile back for picture quality and price.
I can’t see a penny’s worth of difference in our electric bill.
Fuck California, and everybody who allowed it to go off the deep end.
I wonder with the advent of the LED sets coming out now, if all this “to do” by the folks in Californication would really matter anymore (if it really did in the first place … bunch of wussies out there).
Dear Mr. President,
There are too many states nowadays. Please eliminate three of them.
PS: I am not a crackpot.
Actually, if you start the cut line at the Colorado River, take it along the crest of the Sierra, and from there along the crest of the Cascades all the way to Canada, you could take the nutty parts of both Oregon and Washington (basically, Portland and the I-5 corridor up to Seattle) along with it and do the nation a great favor.
I work for a high-end custom electronic systems firm. Having moved up through the ranks from the lowly installer, I cannot tell you how many Energy Star stickers I have pulled off of TVs, including the big ones.
Is Energy Star compliance not good enough now?
Not for California.
That’s just lame. $30 savings per set per year? (Yeah, I know it says “first year savings”, I don’t know what the diff would be in the second and following years.)
According to this page, average price per KwH of residential electricity in CA is 15 cents. That means you’re going to save a whopping 200KwH in that year — or 16.7 KwH per month. In August, with the A/C and half a dozen computers running 24/7, I used 2,366KwH. (And damn little of it was the 52″ non-HDTV.) Whoopity fucking do.
This says a lot more about a state that refuses to build new powerplants for itself than it does for overall actual power savings and “greenness”.
Sorry, I meant to link the page with the ‘leccy prices. It’s here.
Anything those nanny state fuckers can do to stick their noses in the lives of the people, especially the “haves” who can afford things like big screen TV’s, they will do. Fuck them. California is a beautiful state. They simply need to do some pest control.
“They simply need to do some pest control.”
Much like cockroaches in a really nice double-wide, the vermin outnumber the productive inhabitants.
Best thing we could do is take off and nuke the site from orbit and use it as a negative example for our children of the ills of direct democrazy.
cool! more sales dollars that will be spent in the over the border towns in AZ, NV, and OR instead of CA. First ammo, now big screen idiot boxes…wonder what part of the economy CA will try to export next.
on the note of energy star…
how much are those stickers costing consumers in both the total resources to manufacture and then apply to the unit, only to be peeled off by the end-user and thrown in the trash?
Reason #2442 why I’m glad I unassed that hellhole 25+ years ago — thanks Uncle Sam!
‘Tis truly a pity, though, as there are lovely parts of the state that don’t deserve being dragged into the sewer by the whackjobs inhabiting the coasts.
I read the article, and then noticed this sidebar.
Too much contrast for me.
Home electronics these days come with more stickers than your average Sprint Cup car. Any sticker that they can put on the front that shows some sort of certification gives them an advantage of the model next to them on the shelf that lacks said sticker.
Of course, since such a tiny fraction of a percent of those electronics make it onto a store shelf (most stay in the box to be taken home and sticker-stripped by the consumer), I guess putting stickers on every one doesn’t make a lot of sense.