Over at Rx,
Roberta is in the middle of a discussion over what makes people whip out a sidearm and start popping people, and she says it’s not Islam, it’s teh nutty.
No question it’s the nutty that makes people do stuff; as someone who has spent extensive time reading the bible, the koran, the tipitaka, the book of changes, etc. I can very safely say that Islam is designed to seed, culture, nurture, and aim the nutty. It is not painting with a broad brush to say that Islam entreats it’s adherents to acts of violence upon non believers, it is fact to say it. There are some similar entreatments to be found in the old testament, but the core message of Christianity is “Love one another” Sure, a whole passel of so-called Christians get this horribly wrong, and when I see those people I cringe in annoyance. But for rare exception, Christians tend not to fly planes into buildings. While it is true that not all muslims are terrorists, it is demonstrable that the vast majority of people murdering others “In the name of God” are indeed muslims. The Irish conflict happens to be split along catholic/protestant lines, but theology is not at the core of their debate, it is mostly incidental. Jim Jones and his followers killed themselves, not others. Same/same Marshall Applewhite.
Islam does not condemn these actions as every other group would. No Christian would look at what Jim Jones did and agree that it is a good thing. No devout muslim decries any act of islamic terrorism. Islam is toxic to human life, and unless it’s adherents have a (literal) ‘Come to jesus” moment, where a “new” prophet comes along and teaches a message of love, it will always be thus.
Should all muslims be painted with the “terrorist” brush? No. Certainly not. I know some muslims who do not have that in their nature. But if you are in a room with twenty people, and one is a terrorist, if you quarantine the muslim first you will probably be safest, and that isn’t bias, as i’ve said, it’s math.
If you take the time to study Islam, as I have, (Six years in the seminary. We studied every damned thing- and though it was poisonous to me then, it’s an ongoing obsession now) you learn a few things. Where islam takes root, as Geert Wilders said, Freedom dies.
Look, Islam is a peaceful religion. If you’re a muslim. Mostly. Islam is predominantly a way of living, and it’s about treating people decently, about taking care of your family, your animals, your household. And most of the proscriptions in Islam are basically OK, some are actually very nice.
if you’re another muslim.
If you’re not, be prepared to be converted or enslaved or killed, and that’s the way it is. Look at every country where Islam has taken root, and see what living conditions are like there, for the mass of people.
So, Ms Rx, it is unfair to paint Muslims with a broad brush that says ‘Terrorist”. But to paint them wiht a brush that says” potential dangerous kook that should be watched carefully” yes, that’s just fine by me. And it’s mathematically true that if you JUST painted muslims with that brush, you’d have made a pretty safe bet.
13 comments Og | Uncategorized
Works for me too. And I worked for a year with a bunch of em in the D.C. area. Saw good, bad, and many shades in between.
No, not every follower of Islam is a terrorist (nor are they arab folks, Islamists come in all colors and ethnic backgrounds).
But if I were king, I would be doing some major background checks on every mosque and the folks who visit same. If they pass fine, if they are less than clean in where their monies go, than turn said mosque into a parking lot, and scatter the folks who patronize same to their national homes of origin.
Oh, and enough of the scanning of granny at the airport and train station. If you are male between 18 and 55, you stand a chance of being screened, cause most terrorists are males between these ages. If you are of middle eastern extraction on top of that, than suck it up, cause you get the screen every time, enough with the pc stuff, profiling works better than nothing at all, let’s use it already.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, perhaps we need to keep an eye on the ducks!
Won’t it be handy for those in power to use this as another excuse to disarm people?
Did any of you listen to Becks program yesterday? I just caught the first part. I don’t remember who was filling in for him, but he kept going on and on about this happening on an Army base. What? You think everyone on an Army base walks around with a weapon at their disposal 24/7?
Lest we forget, the weapon is worthles with out the bullets. While every soldier is issues a rifle, they onlu have bullets when in combat or at the range.
The young lady that shot the disloyal SOB should get a medal. Running into danger when eveyone else is running away is special.
I lived with a Kuwati for about a year in College. While he was OK his buddy as an out and out a-hole. Yusef, my roommate, was a Shite and Salah was a Sunni. Not just any Sunni, but the son of an Imam. For those who know islam, such sones are special even among other muslims.
Lets just say I did not inspire thenm to christ and they did not impress me with the teaching a Muhammad, the prophet of god. Seems son would trump prophet, but the prohet was newer.
Course the fact that Jesus predicted Muhammad was a glossed over fact.
That is more than I ever intended to say and all I will say on the subject.
Interesting comments over there at Roberta’s.
I am not DW Drang, but agree 100% with what he said. The vetting process obviously broke down with this shitbag; I am 100% confident that failure was due to PC concerns.
One other thing (as I’ve borrowed from one site, and posted to another): I wonder how many false PTSD diagnoses this shitbag came up with, in order to screw over the US Army. That right there is enough for a trial on several UCMJ articles, let alone the murders.
Now now, Og. We shouldn’t disparage the Religion of Pieces just because a lone lunatic screaming Allahu Akbar kills 13 people.
Its obvious he was a lunatic and it had nothing to do with Islam.
…and neither were these 14341 attacks by simiiar individuals of the Religion of Pieces since 9-11:
…oh and here is a video from CNN that shows a certain group of people from a certain religion celebrating the attack by this lone lunatic:
In New York, no less – and in front of a pieceful mosque, too!
Clearly this is not from Islam either.
Islam isn’t a religion. It’s a bloodsport. You can call anything a religion, even the worship of golden pumpkins, but if that “faith” doesn’t preach tolerance for everyone, even non-believers, no one else should feel any compunction whatsoever to recognize it as a religion, and tolerate it in their midst. Islam is more disease than religion.
Spot on Og.
And BTW, thanks for recognizing that the rift in Eire ISN’T Catholic/Protestant in nature; you’re one of the few “non-mics” to notice the difference.
(I can say “mic”, as I are one)
I have known it for a while, and I’m amazed- even at the “mics” who don’t know it. Actually, it seems that religion is one of the areas where the warring factions have the least trouble- they could more easily work out the differences in church than elsewhere.
Re: The Velocidude’s take on Islam as toxic. I have long regarded Islam as the Ebola of religions. We should begin treating those infected with it as such.
Gerry N.
I think you nailed it.
Fuck Islam. There’s not a single place on Earth it has done anything but incubate misery and death.
The last thing the piece of human garbage that waged Jihad at Ft. Hood should see is one of the widows of his victims hanging an IV bag of pig shit and piss on the pole next to his bed, and hooking him up.
The Irish bailout, like the Greece bailout and the looming Portugal bailout, isn’t about saving the Irish people, it’s about preserving the privately-owned banking system that acts like a parasite on those same people. Soon there’ll be a Spanish bailout, perhaps French, German & UK bailouts too – when are people everywhere going to stand up and refuse to put up with this nonsense?