My drawing
12 comments Og | Uncategorized
Ha ha ha. You forgot the beard.
That would be a double sided beard or beard and bushy mustache.
Maybe it needs a Blue Scotch-Brite and and bar of Irish Spring like at BDP?
Mark, I’d start with some 40 grit wet-dry and some old fashioned lye soap.
I forgot to say on a belt sander.
As I looked at that a thought popped into my head…I’ll never look at the old ‘Rising Sun’ Japanese flag again.
The same way, that is. Clearly I’m stunned that an army fought under a flaming asshole symbol. Should have really been Hitler and his boys.
I’ll add that to my aggregator post. :-)
Hitler fought under a corkscrew asshole.
Og you are truly a Michelangelo of our day, you have captured the essence os MO.
Resurrecting the Axis of Asshole, eh?
hehe… Good one.
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Ha ha ha. You forgot the beard.
That would be a double sided beard or beard and bushy mustache.
Maybe it needs a Blue Scotch-Brite and and bar of Irish Spring like at BDP?
Mark, I’d start with some 40 grit wet-dry and some old fashioned lye soap.
I forgot to say on a belt sander.
As I looked at that a thought popped into my head…I’ll never look at the old ‘Rising Sun’ Japanese flag again.
The same way, that is. Clearly I’m stunned that an army fought under a flaming asshole symbol. Should have really been Hitler and his boys.
I’ll add that to my aggregator post. :-)
Hitler fought under a corkscrew asshole.
Og you are truly a Michelangelo of our day, you have captured the essence os MO.
Resurrecting the Axis of Asshole, eh?
hehe… Good one.