Range day!!
Partner, Mr B and his bail bondsman Mike, and I, went to my club for a day of recoil therapy.
Many, many holes were made in several targets.
The Arisaka turns out not to be a hand grenade.
it’s clear that Mr B is not a man to stand in front of, at the range.
Partner is still relatively lethal with his match 22, but would probably be amazing had he been able to find the match ammunition. I expect he’ll need to buy some NEW match ammunition, at which point, he will place the new match ammunition next to the old match ammunition. where he can lose it again.
Damn, maybe it’s at MY house. I’ll have to look.
Then we spent three hours making an electrical connection. The 98 sploder had lost a lambda probe (Oxygen sensor) some time ago, and I had replaced it, but the cable was impossible to get to. That’s not hyperbole, by the way, the manual actually says ‘Turn the car upside down and shake”
Well, no it doesn’t. But it does say “replace connector” which is all. Which is like saying “learn differential calculus” as step two of something.
Now the fuel pump isn’t working. So we’re on to that next, but one can only do one thing at a time.
Thanks, Partner, B, Mike, for a wonderful range day. I had a blast.
Step 3 is “forget differential calculus”.
Now the fuel pump isn’t working.
Step 1: Check that there is fuel in the tank.
You would be amazed at how often that fixes things.
Turns out its a PATS issue, the car wants to see both keys prior to starting after the battery dies. Ford anti theft suckles.
At least it’s not the heater fan in a w115 Mercedes.
“Remove everything in the front half of the cab, taking 5 or 6 hours.
Replace fan.
Replace everything in the front half of the cab, taking maybe four hours and using a deadblow hammer to get the dash back in place.”
yeah, mercedes was good for that kind of stuff. “Why did you break it? it should not have broken”
Had a cousin once that maintained he was the only auto engineer he knew that actually worked on his car.
Explains a lot. Never did find out which car company he worked for. Not that it matters as to the truth of the statement.