Win 8 hits the street
Pardon me if im underwhelmed. Supposed to be radical. I dream of being a practicing luddite.
15 comments Og | Uncategorized
Pardon me if im underwhelmed. Supposed to be radical. I dream of being a practicing luddite.
15 comments Og | Uncategorized
It’s only radical if you want to use it on a touch screen interface, otherwise it’s a hideously ugly monstrosity that makes you want to gouge your eyes out in sheer disgust that the supposedly intelligent members of your species slapped this piece of shit together and worse, EXPECT TO BE PAID FOR IT.
Or at least that’s how it strikes me.
Meh… No touch screen, so I’ll stay with 7Pro…
I just bought four copies of Windows 7 Professional, in order to (eventually) upgrade four machines that are running XP very happily. I don’t intend to install Windows 8 on anything serious.
When I first saw the new interface (an MSDN “first look” build), I cringed. It’s awful. It’s of no use for people who still use a mouse and keyboard. And you can’t shut it the fuck off and go back to the Win7 shell so you can actually get productive work done. Very annoying.
Win8 is Microsoft’s next WinME/Vista.
Remember: Microsoft releases a functional OS only on every other attempt, so if history is any judge, this one’s doomed from the jump-off.
I read a prediction that in the near future, the most common operating system in the near future will be Android, not Windows. Microsoft clearly is trying to make Windows 8 an Android competitor to stave this off. Instead of firing off a first round in the Windows/Android battle, Microsoft has shot themselves in the foot.
Let me guess. It’s faster and more stable than ever before and is loaded with features and googaws. I think we have all heard that before. The last time I reloaded a Vista machine from scratch it took several days to reinstall the hundreds of udpates one at a time.
Yes, but I’ve heard that “Everything you do will be more fun!”
Ok, nerd joke… if you don’t get it, quietly go on your way, nothing to see here.
Lol. Will it be 8 times as much fun?
Not even close to being an early adopter, so this is like waves on a beach in Florida to me – 3,000 miles away. Eventually perhaps in a couple years but I’m already invested and penniless so I’ll only get into it if everything else breaks.
Bought the gudwife a Nokia 710 phone with windows 7.5 about 9 months ago. Verily, it sucketh for her first smart ass phone, and we both hate the “active tiles”, which seem to be the gee-whiz selling point for WIN8, also.
Bigger no-dice for me is that this HAS to “work in the Cloud”. Ummm, no. What I do on my computer STAYS in my computer.
Windows 8 rhymes with windoze hate. That’s all I have.
Win 8?
Wha chu talkin’ bout?
Does what I need…
I tend to be an early adopter, but no way am I getting this Win 8 abortion – certainly not while touch screens are so horrifically expensive.
My Win 7 has been ticking along so well. No reason to upgrade.
Down here in Africa we have just ironed out all the Win 7 issues and started rolling out at last…
Long time no comment, but I have to agree with you on this one. Absolutely. My friends think I’m horrible under-connected. I tend to ignore’em.