For posts where you bitch about something that annoys you.
Where N is the number of comments a given post receives:

S is the number of people who are sympathetic to your situation
W is the number of people who claim you are doing it wrong
A is the number of people who have had it far, far worse than you.
U is the number of people who want to talk about a completely unrelated issue.

So S+W+A+U= N.

For values of S/(W+A+U) greater than 1, your readers are mostly like you, I.E, whiny bitches.
For values of W/(S+A+U) greater than 1, your readers are mostly assholes.
For values of A/(W+S+U) greater than 1, your readers are prepubescent teenagers.
For values of U/(W+S+A) greater than 1, your readers are democrats.

I can stretch this on forever. The math alone could take years and require Ramanujan to resolve. But it seems to fit pretty well.