The comment formula
For posts where you bitch about something that annoys you.
Where N is the number of comments a given post receives:
S is the number of people who are sympathetic to your situation
W is the number of people who claim you are doing it wrong
A is the number of people who have had it far, far worse than you.
U is the number of people who want to talk about a completely unrelated issue.
So S+W+A+U= N.
For values of S/(W+A+U) greater than 1, your readers are mostly like you, I.E, whiny bitches.
For values of W/(S+A+U) greater than 1, your readers are mostly assholes.
For values of A/(W+S+U) greater than 1, your readers are prepubescent teenagers.
For values of U/(W+S+A) greater than 1, your readers are democrats.
I can stretch this on forever. The math alone could take years and require Ramanujan to resolve. But it seems to fit pretty well.
24 comments Og | Uncategorized
Should there be a way to factor in the people that ignore your whiny bitching completely and leave no comment at all?
those people aren’t counted because they don’t count.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5…..
Hey! I count!
Man, I really feel for your plight. But, unfortunately I don’t think your math is right. The situation at my place is much worse.
BTW, have you heard about that new movie by that guy starring that other guy?
wonder what number i am assigned. Not that it will change my behavior. lol
Slash: that’s “One. Hah hah hah! Two! Hah! Hah! Hah!”
LOL! Took me a minute. It’s been awhile since I last watched Sesame Street. The grandkids don’t care for it since it’s not an overly-dramatic japanese cartoon.
“Man, I really feel for your plight. But, unfortunately I don’t think your math is right. The situation at my place is much worse.
BTW, have you heard about that new movie by that guy starring that other guy?”
…and that’s the internet for today folks. Submissions are closed. Thank you for playing. ;)
Dammit, I was told there wouldn’t be any math here!
N is, of course, a variable changing with time.
On, they measure the change of S,W,A & U by allowing subsequent commenters to downvote, or upvote, ll previous comments.
Thus in hour 1 after a post, S might prevail, but in hours 2 to 8 after the post, all the others can rise to dominance and then sink to insignificance, too.
N, being a time dependent variable, is as meaningful as the difference in opinions held by Og at 12 years old, versus Og now.
Both are Og, but which is more right?
“Both are Og, but which is more right? ”
Forty two. Clear?
Crap, I did it in binary.
B – on the road with the eebook
Are these raw numbers or spam-adjusted?
Dear Sir:
I must point out that there is a clear Log scale that you have somehow neglected to take into account.
Oh, wait. Damn. I’m in the “W” category …
lol. Most times I’m a W myself. Mr Hill: Spam Adjusted.
Got a divide by zero fault at my place :-(
RKN: You would think that I would too, as abrasive and annoying as I am. but despite being a revolving SOB (that’s a guy that’s an SOB no matter which way you turn him) I still get several hundred uniques a day.
maybe they’re just showing up to see what stupid annoying thing I’ll say today.
This calls for a java script! Something where the various numbers can be calculated over time for each post. Commenters could rate themselves or you could rate them as you read them.
You may have just revolutionized the innernet! or something.
Is this also applicable in New Math, or does it only work with the old-style pro-Digital stuff, or what?
Just askin’, on accounta Comments is easy, but Maths is kinda harrrrrd!…
So by commenting at all, I’m self-identifying as either “whiny bitch,” “asshole,” “pre-pubescent teenager,” or “democrat.”
Not sure where this particular comment fits in, but given the choices, I guess I least disprefer “asshole.”
Welcome to the club, weet
Og, you have left a term out of the equation. I am thinking about how drunk the commenter is. (Yes, I had to be very careful when typing this.)
Alcohol is simply a multiplier of the original condition in most cases.
Jerry Pournelle himself was famously banned from the Internet before the Internet existed, for drunken late-night posting. Back then it was called ARPAnet.