Have been my thing for a while, I know what I’m doing and setting and working them comes pretty naturally to me. Additionally, making it all happen and doing so on a budget- I’m all over it. So working with cheap people is a good deal of fun for me. They rent a house for the week, so five or eight people can sleep as cheaply as one- the price of a rental house for a week is about what two guys would pay for a night, and you have a house, a yard, often a pool and Jacuzzi, a garage, and in our case, this time, beds to sleep 15!

It saves you a wad of cash and you can do a bit of shopping and get food as well, which heightens the savings- but the crew I was with, well, they don’t drink coffee, only tea.

So each day I had to wait until I got out to the show to get some rich, rich caffeine into me. Since the time zone differed by a few hours by the time I got to the front of the line I was already in pain.

Drinking the coffee on the way to the booth, I could feel the caffeine pushing the headache back slowly, and eventually, I was coherent. up until then, I had to work very hard to be civil to my compatriots, who I love, because what was really going on was this:


But once the pain was gone I saw a lot of things. Incredibly there were a lot of things that were made in the US, and I will be featuring many of them here. Watch this space.

Oh, I didn’t take a lot of pictures preferring to use the individuals websites, and I didn’t want to take a chance on destroying my camera or losing it, so what pics I did take are cellphone, which are not too bad.