OK, here’s goes the last three readers.
This morning on the way in to work, the morning radio show interviewed Clark Forsythe.
Clark has written a book called “Abuse of Discretion” and it details the way Roe vs Wade was pushed through to passage by agenda driven people at each phase, despite being what most call bad law which doesn’t pass constitutional muster.
Beginning with Roe vs Wade, we have institutionalized slaughter of innocents on a scale the likes of which could not be imagined. Something on the order of 57 million abortions have been performed since 1973. More than twenty times the US casualty rates in every war since 1776. More than twice the population of the top 15 cities in America.
This disgusts me. Unfortunately, it does not disgust me enough to stop supplying the federal government with my tax dollars. This laziness is my worst personal flaw, and when the Creator judges me, I expect that this inaction on my part will be the worst for which I have to answer.
I attempt to mitigate this by doing what I can to help on the opposite end of this equation. How and what I do is nobody’s business but mine and the creators- I don’t ever want to receive credit for it here, because I will need every red cent when I arrive for my judgement.
There is no question in my mind that the bullshit we’re in at the moment is a specific and direct result to our callousness about the millions of innocents that have been slaughtered for convenience sake. And anyone who coughs up the old saw about incest or rape, go out and count up all the abortions due to rape and incest, and when you have determined that number is a minuscule fraction of the whole, tell me how doing an abhorrent thing undoes another abhorrent thing. No, the overwhelming majority of those millions are convenience abortions, and the thought of that should be abhorrent to any human being. The fact that people aren’t laying awake in bed at night agonizing over the horror of these deaths is grim testament to the fact that we have been taught to “believe” (there’s that word again) that the “Fetus” contains no humanity. The classic dehumanization of the enemy to make him easier to kill.
The Creator is pissed at us, and rightfully so. The Sacrament of Liberalism is an intentional, specific and direct slap in the face of G-d.
If you have faith in a Creator and you meditate on this it becomes clearer and clearer. The lesson of Abraham and Jesus is clear; Only the Creator is empowered to give and thus take human life.
The faithful are being punished for failing to take action to stop this ongoing massacre. And we deserve it.
OK, the last of you to leave turn out the lights and make sure the coffeepot is off.
31 comments Og | Uncategorized
I’ll be answering for the same failure.
You’re scaring me now. You nearly channeled word for word what has had me in a spiritual funk since last Easter. But whether one is religious or not, no one can deny that we are growing more feral by the day, and like bankruptcy, it began so slowly it wasn’t noticeable, but the final tipping point comes like a whiplash. The society around me looks more and more like Hogarth’s drawing Gin Lane with every passing day.
Europe killed off millions of productive assimilated Jews, then brought in tens of millions of angry unassimilating Muslims to replace them and all the European babies aborted. Our immigrant surge is about equal to the babies we killed off who would’ve had those jobs. No fault divorce has caused a frivorce revolution making marriage a joke. I can bore you all day telling you of the 20+ year marriages that I thought weathered every storm that are now gone.
The Gramsican communists got the people of Western Civ to hate their culture, their own people, and their institutions. Like Peter Hitchens said, “It wasn’t because we liked immigrants, but because we didn’t like Britain. We saw immigrants – from anywhere – as allies against the staid, settled, conservative society that our country still was at the end of the Sixties.” The conservative Swiss just voted 70% for gov’t paid abortions.
If I see you in the same gulag with me, and I find a chunk of potato in the potato water soup they’ll give us, I’ll split the potato chunk with you. I figure making the sign of the cross will get us both put away. Two hard heads, no going along with the New Frontier, Donald Fagen notwithstanding.
Baal worship never went away, it just changed its name.
Yes, I agree that we will be harshly judged, but I ask how? How can one man, a voice in the wilderness, stop a movement? Especially one so entrenched as the one we are seeing today?
The lone sniper comes to mind but I think there are more waiting in the wings.
No, we need a sea change, and I have not been inspired yet as to a method to affect this change.
Problem is it isn’t just one of us not doing anything.
I can’t disagree with anything you said… And I don’t know how to ‘fix’ it either… The progressive/anti-Christians are in power and will stay there anyway they can.
You had three readers?
“Had” being the operative word. Touching the third rail of blogging is ordinarily fatal. but then, I never wrote this for anyone but me anyway. Especially when you reach out with both hands and grasp it.
I think you have more that three readers. Just no one wants to discuss this subject.
I appreciate that you have the strength of your convictions and are proud (or strong) enough to display for all.
My own viewpoint is a bit different, but not so much.
Would that it were pride or strength.
“You had three readers?”
I’m here every work day
yeah, but you’re probably one of those God freaks.
Lurker decloaking, just long enough to agree with you. My wife and I had a 26-week preemie in 2009 (he’s fine now), and it just blows my mind that second-trimester babies (mine never made it to the third) are considered eligible to be aborted.
When applied to actual, living beings — as opposed to numerical abstractions — abortion is an evil, abhorrent thing.
Fucking A! Preach it Brother Og.
You must have had three readers besides me–unless I don’t count.
Anyway, I’m with you on this.
I rarely comment on any blog, but I read many and visit several, Neanderpundit is a daily ritual of mine. You are not alone, I guess I’m number four…….
Outstanding! May I share this?
What am I chopped liver??
Yeah….back in 55 it was suggested to Mom that she might want to abort…the doc suspected that I was (due to her massive bleeding) no longer “here”. She said no, and I was brought into the world about five months later…still 2 months premature…but alive and kicking none the less.
With all the skeletons in my closet…I rather expect there is a rather warm corner waiting for me much further south of Heaven…but I have been wrong before.
“God Freak”? Why yes. Yes I am. Abortion is murder. Killing a baby in the womb is murder. And for those who come in and say it’s not murder, why then do we prosecute a man who kills a pregnant woman with TWO murders?
We are wiping out millions of innocent lives in the name of sexual convenience. That is a sad, sickening fact.
Sorry, couldn’t stand to wait for your answer, figured if you didn’t want people to read it you wouldn’t post it.. so I shared….. this… is how we create change… when enough people make up their minds something is not right, they will do what must be done… it has ever been so… thanks, my friend…
Still here; share your tax guilt, kids are hostage to fortune.
Mr Dennis: I would consider it an honor. Dave? yes. Tony? Exactly. Guy, you’re just another G-d freak too.
Thanks, all. The first one to get to hell, save me a seat.
Well said.
Very well said. I might only be 0.033 of a reader, but I’ll do my best to make my fraction count.
Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX
They’re all a bunch of Baal Worshippers.
We will have to answer for not acting in defense of the children.
God has turned His Face from us in disgust.
I am going to the lake of fire for what I have done and what I have failed to do, barring His Grace.
I’m here, bro. Got your back, as I know you’ve got mine. I’ll be happy to share a bench in Hell with you if it come to that.
At least I’ll know someone once I reach the Perpetual Warmth!
Kind of amazing how it’s now accepted by so many that second- and third-trimester is just ‘a mass of cells that’s a parasite on the womans’ body’ that she can flush anytime she wants.
While back someone doing the “Isn’t Wendy Davis wonderful!” shuffle started an argument on the subject, and one of the things I said was that ‘The way so many now see abortion as just another method of birth control makes my skin crawl’; she didn’t disagree, and I think it being put that way really bothered her. Not enough to stop chanting “Wendy is wonderful!”, but it did bother her.
Rape and Incest. Can anyone name a case where the victim of a crime is entitled to take revenge on the perpetrator of the crime, much less on a completely innocent bystander?
“Only the Creator is empowered to give and thus take human life.” Agreed, thus my change of stance on the death penalty. I believe there are people who are evil and should be put down like mad dogs. But that’s not MY call, and I really don’t trust our ability to make that determination. Lock them up, keep people safe from them, and leave the rest to the Lord. Turns out the Catholic Church has been right about that all along, makes me wonder what else they are right about that I may be ignorant of. Time to pull out the catechism.
In the absence of a “contact” link, I think it only courteous to let you know I linked something you said here (an excerpt actually) in something I said. You’re invited to comment if you wish, but we are looking at the same phenomenon from two differing perspectives.