It occurs to me
that most of the people I work with, and many of the people I know, and damned near all my friends, are broken.
Some are broken in ways that astound me, some are broken in ways that make it difficult to be their friends, some are broken in ways that are- frankly, amusing to watch.
It is their brokenness that makes them interesting, and if sometimes it is hard to be around them it is worth it because they are worth it; their “Handicap” only a way for them to excel that the boringly sane do not exhibit.
I have long thought that all great artists and authors have a serious flaw, and that flaw of person is the lens that focuses their great talent, the defect that makes them a savant- so SF authors can be forgiven their trembling fear of travel, mystery writers their OCD, painters their strange vices, because what they create is worth it.
My flaws are of course numerous and extensive; the four horsemen of the apocalypse and indeed the nazgul are terrified of the skeletons in my closet, lord forbid that it ever be opened.
Yes, broken. But still to a man and woman, worth every moment I can be with them. Hopefully they can be forgiving of my brokenness.
I suspect that everyone is broken to one extent or another, part of what we mean by “fallen”. Some people are broken-but-functional, some are broken-and-dysfunctional, and some are just plain broken.
Everyone is fallen. Otherwise the flood would have worked.
If it ain’t broke too bad, no sense in fixing it. Odds are you’ll just make it worse :)
All I can do is hope I’m not one of the difficult ones.
Ed: You haven’t tried to kill me, so, no.
Sheesh, if it wasn’t for the metaphysical “bubble gum, bailing wire, and duct tape”, all the voices in my head would be free at last to exercise their wicked ways.
And skeletons … every single one of them is there (in my closet) not because “I didn’t know any better”, but because I DID, and chose the wrong path anyway. (Sounds like a legitimate description of sin/sinner don’t it.)
I promise not to throw any bricks at your glass house if you don’t sail any my way!
And though we are all bloodied but unbowed to some degree or another…isn’t that better then just laying down and letting the bastards have their way…at no cost to them?
What is this broken you speak of? I am perfectly normal, and my excesses the merest passing fancy.
All the rest of you though …
When everyone is broken maybe broken just means normal?
“My flaws are of course numerous and extensive; the four horsemen of the apocalypse and indeed the nazgul are terrified of the skeletons in my closet, lord forbid that it ever be opened.”
All right, that’s going in my Quote Of The Day post series, right there!