god bless her editor needing heart, managed to turn objectivism into a caricature of itself, to the detriment of all, but her heart was almost in the right place. She does a pretty good job of defining the individual right, and I do wonder what brought her to her conclusions. I would like to follow her path, if only to understand how she arrived at these conclusions.

She states- quite correctly- that the right to life is the source of all rights, and that is at the core of the human condition. Ownership of and responsibility for yourself is central; and I am amazed at the people who espouse this position, and yet consider abortion to be acceptable. Does the fetus have no right to life? Why not? Is it because it’s small? Does that mean we can murder midgets with impunity? Is it because it’s helpless? We can murder anyone who can’t defend themselves?

This is the worst kind of doublethink. I refuse to accept the sanity of anyone who can hold those contradictory positions.

As my grandfather aged, he started to feel remorse about the kind of bastard he’d been and started watching TV preachers and sending them money. “Smelling hot dirt” my grandmother called it. I suppose maybe I’m going through sort of the same thing; I look at the opportunities I have had to change things and have done nothing. Well, maybe there are things that can be done.