drove my chevy to the levee
Alright, you primitive screwheads:
This, is a TUB GRINDER.
A tubgrinder is a gigantic piece of equipment whose sole purpose is to turn large hunks of stuff into bite sized pieces.
Last fall, several of the manufacturers of these suckers shipped as many of them as they could to nawleans. See, the commonest thing a tub grinder is used for is to take a condemned house, pretty much in one piece, and turn it into pieces about the size of your fist. It cuts it all up, pipes, wiring, bathtubs, toilets, bricks, if it’s in a house this thing can bust it up, guaranteed.
All of the buildings and residences damaged beyond repair by Katrina were ground up in such a manner. What, might you ask, would they do with all this debris? Well I’ll tell you what they ARE doingh with it: Making new levees.
I have NO IDEA how much cash that the city/state got to “fix” this issue, but take it for granted, that cash is being redirected somewhere else. People’s old homes are being used to “rebuild” the levees, and frankly, it’s a horribly bad idea. Most of the debris, by it’s nature, will decompose, and/or float. Sure, there were brick/block homes, but most of what you’re looking at is wood.Ground up and poured in long levees, and covered with dirt to make it look solid.
Now, here’s what’s gonna happen- and bookmark this entry, because I’m right and time will prove it. If there is no “new” Katrina this year, nagin and his buttbuddies will be heroes, but if there is, the levees wil give way, because they’re made like shit, and it will again be the fault of The Administration. Watch this space.
10 comments Og | Uncategorized
Holy crap what a bad idea! Really???
yes, really.
I haven’t heard about this one before, the levees anyway.
I need a tub grinder for my house.
I’m hearing it from the guys who were sent down with the machines to operate/repair them.
You can rent a tub grinder. A small one is delivered via semi and costs about 4k an hour. A nice vermeer log chipper would probaby be easier to use, though.
Remember, a large tub grinder can reduce anything less resiliant than titanium nitride to small chunky bits. Pretty impressive bit’o’machinery really.
They are basically a gigantic mortar and pestle made out of hardened steel; and the crap they are grinding up can be high stregth concrete and solid granite.
Awesome. I’d love to throw some Ryobi engineers in that thing.
Og, if the levees fail, I doubt very seriously that the press will try to blame the administration for this one; unless the “administration” is anything but stark, raving, barking moonbat lefties.
The other thing I’m thinking is toxic waste. I’ve read plenty of eco-barking about batteries and PC monitors in landfills, so I’m thinking ground houses can’t be good.
1. I’m gonna need one of those tub grinders in about 10-12 years (when my little girl hits dating age).
2. Mack, I’m sure you mean well, but unless you’ve been smoking crack for the past six years you’d realize that ANYTIME ANYTHING goes wrong IN THE ENTIRE WORLD it’s the fault of the Bush administration. Bush got blamed for Katrina. He was blamed for the tsunami in Asia. Sunspots? Bush’s fault. High cholesterol? Blame Karl Rove. Car didn’t start this morning? Dick Cheney did it.
Og, I saw one of those this morning. It was by a village water tower chopping sticks into bark or something. The only thing different than in your photo, was the claw was mounted opposite the conveyor on the unit. And the whole thing was mounted on some sort of truck bed. Fascinating.
I read a book a while back that had a description of the construction of levees in the 19-teens & twenties. I specifically noted that fill brought in or scraped over was inspected to get rid of any wood- logs, lumber, whatever- they could find because it would rot and make weak spots in the construction.
And now they’re using ground-up houses. Fucking wonderful.