Just… Wow. More later.
11 comments Og | Uncategorized
Is this a good wow or a bad wow? For you, or for everyone? Inquiring minds want to know!
Wow? For the Big O or the little ape?
Good wow, if all goes well.
Here’s hoping your “WoW” is all you hope it to be and more!
Hope the “wow” means “hot, steamy, incredible sex with Ogwife”, and not “wow, bouncing my bike off that left-turning truck really HURT!”
Oh. My. Goodness.
Do tell, once all has settled, k’?
Is it later yet?
Real wow, one assumes, not sham wow.
(Sorry. I could not resist.)
I hope that your “WoW” comes true, and that we’ll all be reading about it soon.
We await the news with ‘bated breath.
NO! NOT “baited!”
It’s a ShamWoW!
Come on Bud! We wanna know.
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Is this a good wow or a bad wow? For you, or for everyone? Inquiring minds want to know!
Wow? For the Big O or the little ape?
Good wow, if all goes well.
Here’s hoping your “WoW” is all you hope it to be and more!
Hope the “wow” means “hot, steamy, incredible sex with Ogwife”, and not “wow, bouncing my bike off that left-turning truck really HURT!”
Oh. My. Goodness.
Do tell, once all has settled, k’?
Is it later yet?
Real wow, one assumes, not sham wow.
(Sorry. I could not resist.)
I hope that your “WoW” comes true, and that we’ll all be reading about it soon.
We await the news with ‘bated breath.
NO! NOT “baited!”
It’s a ShamWoW!
Come on Bud! We wanna know.