And my doctor says it’s OK.

The Justice Department announced on Monday that federal drug agents will no longer arrest or prosecute people who are legally using, selling or supplying medical marijuana in the states that allow it.


Actually, I don’t know whether to be upset or elated. There’s the fact that The Won has now sewn up the votes of pretty nearly all the Ron Paul supporters, and O’s liberal minions will be even more elated.
On the nother hand, there’s the effects that dopesmoking provide. “Duuude, yesterday? I thought it was super WEDNESDAY. Sorry, man, I’ll vote next time”. Though not being at a polling place never prevented millions of people from voting before.

I’m agnostic on the point. I give a shit what chemicals someone wants to jam in their kisser, and if you see the folks who do this, and what losers most of them are, it puts you off it right away. Or at least causes you to be more temperate. Never knew a hardcore wake&baker that didn’t end up a convenience store clerk or a roadie. Not that there’s a damned thing wrong with either profession, I just can’t imagine that being the pinnacle of my success, I surpassed both those professions in my teens.

So yeah, I don’t necesarily think this is a bad thing- it’s a waste of a lot of law enforcement dollars, and a lot of people become petty criminals and do time because of something that pretty much by definition is about as innocuous as smoking a Lucky. And now The Won gets to take credit for making it easier, and you KNOW the other states will follow suit so quickly it will make your head spin.