Why is it
it dawns on me to ask, that the women so concerned about someone else ostensibly taking control of their Vaginas are the ones who seem to exercise the least control over it themselves?
Ah, well, we have started pouring more money down the social security rathole again so all the hos can get them some free birth control. Fine by me, these morons are the last ones we need procreating. Suppose we can make it so the “Free” birth control is permanent?
These are the same women who say they don’t trust others with guns because they themselves can’t be trusted with them.
Wouldn’t it be fun to watch heads exploding if ANY repuke had the cajons to introduce legislation that said you get SNAP/ADC/etc for ONE “accident”. And by the way if you take the money, you get a five year NorPlant installed. And one more thing, if you’re still on welfare at the end of that five years, the NorPlant gets renewed.
The american communist lawyers unions and their lefty friends’ heads exploding after they read the bill… music to our ears.
Those people are also the highest users of abortion. I don’t think we want the permant welfare class to procreate.
40 years ago crime was to be the biggest issue we faced in this millenium.
Odd, is it not, that today’s Planned Parenthood originated with the organization “American Birth Control League”, founded by one Margaret Sanger, who had a dim view of certain parts of the population (blacks, primarily, but others whom she deemed “unfit).
Amazingly, when the government sponsors “eugenics” it’s a bad thing, but when it’s a “choice”, it’s naught but good.
What did I miss here?
I hate their giving everyone on Social Security a bad name. I have been on SS since I was 34. My work ethic was a bit stronger than my intelligence and I kept trying to work with pneumonia. Wound up in a coma, then permanently disabled and dragging around oxygen tanks 24/7. Yet I know I would be included in the same group with the SS sloths who are drawing because they can’t find a job.
Denise: Not by anybody with half a brain, you wouldn’t.
I know my opinion is skewed in that I’m adopted, having been born thankfully in a few years just prior to Roe vs. Wade, and when I got pregnant my first year in college, I gave my daughter up for adoption.
It had nothing to do with religion (at that time in my life), or social mores, it was giving her the same chances I had.
I constantly hear about choice. Let’s face it ladies, your choice is when you have sex without bothering with adequate birth control. THAT’s where the choice ends.
Not after your child is conceived.
and P.S. – the taxpayer shouldn’t have to pay for your birth control.
It’s like asking us to pay for the extra gas you use because you like to drive over the speed limit.