So on the bird feeder this morning
was a new bird, a black bird with a brown or reddish brown head and shoulders. The ogwife and I had never seen one before, so I dug up some info.
The cowbird is a plains bird that is making a resurgence in this area, and it is one of the types of birds that enjoys the pleasure of mating as often as possible, then lays it’s eggs in other birds nests, and lets the other birds feed and raise their young, often to the detriment of the other bird’s own young.
So I texted this to the Ogwife. She responded:
“Oh. Democrats”
Growing up, our next-door neighbor considered these, and starlings, to be nature’s way of providing ample target practice for his .22. He had a nice looking martin house. Gotta love Purple Martins, great a lowering the ‘skeeter population!
Robert Ruark referred to them as Rain Crows in The Old Man and the Boy.
Whoops. Disregard that last one, I was mistaken. There actually is another bird that Ruark was referring to:
My mistake was believing the Cowbird to be the only bird in the southeastern US to lay eggs in other birds’ nests.
The cuckoo is the original. From which we get the term “cuckold”.
That, and they seem to like something in cow pies as well.
“That, and they seem to like something in cow pies as well.”
– another trait of the democrat.