I’m trying I really am
I really want to get stuff back on this platform but literally if I walk away from it for a day there are hundreds of spam messages. Sorting through them to find the one or two people who commented and delete all the spam is a pain in my ass. Akismet used to be free, but no apparently they want 40 bucks a year to clean up this mess. And I don’t even know if that’s going to work. Anybody out there using anything better or as good but free? I guess if I got to pay I don’t mind but good God
Akismet seems to be working well at CR. And it’s not your imagination. There is indeed a flurry of spam that comes in and is placed in the WP spam folder. Definitely worth it.
Trying again.
Akismet seems to be working well at CR. And it’s not your imagination. There is indeed a flurry of spam that comes in and is placed in the WP spam folder. Definitely worth it.
Kind of why I gave up on it. That and I don’t have a lot of advice for anyone. Other than the only agent for change in most peoples live looks at the from the mirror every morning. But that is not a popular sentiment.
There are alternatives to Askimet. It is the most popular because it was free for so long.
Also you could install Disqus for commenting. That has its own SPAM filter, but it has other problems.
Do a web search on Askimet Alternatives. Some are free. Some are cheaper. No idea about how they work.
Your wit and wisdom are missed.
I installd zero spam, pulled out a lot of old crap.lets see how it goes.
And, thanks.