One of the big hot button issues for this campaign – in fact all of the campaigns I can remember in my adult life – is the right to “reproductive freedom”.

This of course is bogus because everybody has all the reproductive freedom they want. What this actually is is the right to murder the innocent.

Roe versus Wade was bad law. Even Ginsberg said it was bad law and it would be overturned as of course eventually it was.

But why is it that the clintons, the obamas, the bidens didn’t just make this the law of the land? There are a lot of apologists out there who say you know it’s just not that easy. But if you take a look at the laws that are on the books now you can see that a lot of stuff has been passed that is absolutely ridiculous, completely unconstitutional, and people are being prosecuted for those things right now.

They managed to jam through the affordable Care act which by any measure should have been utterly impossible. If they had put forth this much effort propaganda and bullshit into abortion rights they could have made this happen easily.

But if they had done this, they would lose their most important hot button election issue. They would not be able to point at evil Republicans and talk about how they wanted your child to have no choice but to have an unwanted rape baby.

Let’s be clear on this. The actual number of children conceived through rape and incest that are brought to abortion clinics is vanishingly small. The official numbers are like 3% and they’re probably more like one. A lot of wives after having been knocked up by their boyfriends are in that clinic claiming they’ve been raped so that they don’t have to present their husband with a child who is obviously not his. I have seen this with my own eyes.

No, the vast and overwhelming majority of abortions are performed by people too lazy or stupid to engage in birth control. The wife and I have been married for over 30 years now and we have spent an enormous portion of that time going at it hammer and tong, and we have one child to show for this. We have one child to show for this because we chose to have one child. She was not an accident she was planned and we planned not to have anymore and we did not. This is not difficult.

Abortion as Rush often said is the sacrament of the left. It is the one thing they consider the most holy; their right to murder the innocent for no reason other than their convenience and laziness.

Every single time I bring this up somebody asks me but what about rape? What about incest? And when I ask them how does doing a horrible thing fix another horrible thing? There are plenty of people alive today who are products of rape and incest who would be certain to tell you they’re happy to have been given the chance. Nobody has ever been able to answer that question. How does murder cancel out rape. And nobody can because there is no good answer for that.

How about ectopic pregnancies and other problem pregnancies?

Anything that harms the life of the mother is by definition a difficult choice to make but to my knowledge there is no medical institution that will not protect the life of the mother in a circumstance like this. The local hospitals were doing these procedures in the 80s; ectopic pregnancies are also not something that you’re going to go to planned Parenthood and get “taken care of”. This is a complex medical procedure.

Let me be clear on this also. Abortion has been happening forever. Making it illegal doesn’t help anybody. If you are determined to end your child’s life that is something that is between you and the Creator. You have to answer to a much higher judge than me.
No, my specific issue with the whole thing is using my tax dollars to support and fund and maintain this death cult.

Making abortion the law of the land would be the simplest thing on earth. And then people like myself would continue to crusade to keep it safe legal and vanishingly rare. To provide education. To provide alternatives. The prevailing attitude is if you want to play around you have to have a portion to protect you from consequences. The intelligent attitude is you can play around all you want if you’re not an idiot and you take precautions. But this is a message nobody wants to be heard.

Unfortunately even the continuation of this classic cult of death is not adequate to ensure victory for the death cultists anymore. So they have had to import voters which is exactly what they’re doing now. It’s almost as if evil and stupidity keep losing.

There’s a Amish store that I used to really like to go to out in nappanee. Hanging on the wall that had a sign that said don’t tell God you have big problems. Tell your problems you have a big God.

We have a big God. Trust in him.