well it’s improving
I’m kind of surprised at how well the new spam filter works, and I wouldn’t even be afraid to subscribe to it assuming that it isn’t horrendously expensive.
so far I keep watching the spam and trash to see if somebody shows up there that needs to be cleared so hopefully as more people comment it will get better. Thanks for sticking around hope to provide more content soon
This is Major Tom to Ground Control
I’m stepping through the door
And I’m floating in a most peculiar way
And the stars look very different today.
The papers want to know whose shirts you wear
Hmm… Just tried commenting on the post below (twice, I think).
No dice.
Here’s the comment I’ve tried posting 6 times on the post below (this is some weird…):
Is it in Shipshewana? I’ve walked around Shipshewana, in and out of shops, once or twice but didn’t really pay attention to the names of the shops.
I HAVE been to Das Dutchmen Essenhaus.
I love the Essen house. You will really enjoy the Dutch village kitchen. I don’t think it’s very far from you
OK… 9 days. ???
Tell me to piss off. It’s OK.