Baseball bat.
Dick is taslking about picking up his baseball bats.
Frankly, I cannot but agree, as I’ve said before.
When I was but a cub, I was repairing a machine for a specific manufacturer in Corona California
While there, I tried to weasel my way into a custom Strat, but htebest I could do was a case for a Jaguar. I kept it in the car for the longest time.
I used to have an girlfriend who played baseball, and when she left, she left an Easton aluminum baseball bat in my car. It fit in the case, so I left it there.
One day, bored senseless, i drilled a hole in the end of the bat and put in six pounds of #8 birdshot. By itself this would have bent the bat, but I also put in a milton fitting and 60 psi of air.
Now, for all intents and purposes, I have a dead-blow bat. For those unfamiliar with the concept, a dead blow hammer has a hollow inside with a load of loose shot, and when you hit something, the shot comes after the initial blow and adds an additional, final impact. A dead blow hammer, for instance, nevr bounces, no matter how hard you hit.
Now my baseball bat never saw any use, but somedays I take it out of it’s case, and slap it against my hand, the zzzing zzzing of the shot sliding aroud inside, comforting and resolute. Maybe I can have a party with Dick, and we can find some fols burning flags.
Sounds like a very useful tool to me! :)
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Gonna have to make myself one of these to defend me and my comrades while we burn flags..
Also, how is your spelling so fucking bad when spellchecker and autocorrect exist?
Autocorrect is apparently a drunken gnome who lives in my phone. English is not his first language and he doesn’t even seem to be trying very hard