Bluing wrapup
So here’s the parts list:
$29 for the stovetop
$12 for the gas line
$18 for the ceramic stock pot
$4 for the thermometer
$15 for the lye
$6 for the Sodium Nitrate
$16 for the face mask
$6 for heavy rubber gloves
$3 for distilled water
$3 for vinegar.
So under $120 for the whole setup. Less than the cost of one decent bluing job. And this should last for four or five guns. And the comestables consist of the lye and the sodium nitrate.
Damn, I’m really pleased I did this.
3 comments Og | guns
The only blue job I did used 1/2 a 53 chevy gas tank over a fire. Came our pretty good. Was an old Remington Speed Master .22.
I take it the ceramic pot was the tank?
My neighbor is a gunsmith and piece work machinist. I sometimes help him with his tanks when he has a lot of jobs to do. Bluing is just like work. Hot and nasty and can kill you dead. He likes to talk most folks into waiting for winter to do it. Even give a small discount for waiting on cold weather.
Blind, you have to use a well-ventilated area, a lot of good safety equipment. And good safety practices- all of your equipment handy, etc.