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it’s a Model 63, only with a stack magazine chambered for centerfire cartridges- 35 Auto and 32 Auto.
I’d heard of them, but I never saw one. I never thought I’d see one in PERSON.
Now the Cabelas by my house has THREE. One of them is under $300.
Jesus. THis is a bitch.
They also have two little Holland and Holland rook rifles out in the rack area, where you can PICK THEM UP and TOUCH THEM.
Holland and Holland.
Good lord.
9 comments Og | guns, Shooting
in harshing my mellow.
it is 60 here. I WANT SNOW.
6 comments Og | guns
So here’s the parts list:
$29 for the stovetop
$12 for the gas line
$18 for the ceramic stock pot
$4 for the thermometer
$15 for the lye
$6 for the Sodium Nitrate
$16 for the face mask
$6 for heavy rubber gloves
$3 for distilled water
$3 for vinegar.
So under $120 for the whole setup. Less than the cost of one decent bluing job. And this should last for four or five guns. And the comestables consist of the lye and the sodium nitrate.
Damn, I’m really pleased I did this.
3 comments Og | guns