I just signed up over at
Well first off, she’s the only politician I can take at face value during this time in our lives. And considering my very own, personal attorney (and he is a pitbull of the worst sort) is a State Representative of the Great State of Texas, that ought to tell you something about how difficult it is to make me a believer.
Second, she’s a smoking hot milf.
That is all.
15 comments Og | Uncategorized
Next President of the United States.
If we have any brains.
Smoking. Hawt.
I don’t know what a PAC is. I don;’t have a fucking clue what I’m talking about, except that my husband finds Sarah hotter than me, and she’s been successful, so I hate hate hate her!!
I was watching the Miss America pageant this weekend and in her introduction Miss Alaska said “From the coldest state with the hottest governorâ€. Aint it the truth!
Ohmy God…….go away troll
I am SUCh a fucktard I have no clue what governance is, but I came here (from Virginia, of all places!!)to piss in comments about how unqualified Sarah is.
Maybe I should just shut the fuck up and do something with MY life.
Like Sarah has.
PAC= Political Action Committee
Now, drop some tonnage and maybe the hubby will look in your direction once again.
One slight correction, Dick.
Palin’s a GMILF…
She may become the first politician I contribute money to since AuH20(n64)…
another correction: omg is a man. but he still needs to lose tonnage to get the husband to look at him.
wow, Og… Trolls, not just for dinner anymore!
We the people need someone in Washington to clean house and establish a working goverment for the people of this country. America needs a jumpstart from the top than means something rather than the sameold,sameold!! Money in the economy will prove only the greed of those who recieve, not the value of those in need to persevere
In other words – – – GO SARAH !!!!!
I did also….we’ll see.
Hey Sam! Good to see you again!
Anyone who thinks Sarah is unqualified should take a look at the maroon they helped elect president.
Two years from now you’ll be begging for a Republican congress.